Objective 1

Foster Indigenous PHC and Policy Research Relationships and Collaborations



i. Annual network scientific meetings.

ii. Communications (quarterly newsletter, list-serve notifications of research opportunities).

iii. North & South annual Science Cafés.

iv. Biannual PHC and Policy Research Seminar Series: network, national and international PHC research.

v. National & international collaborations with existing NEIHRs, PHC research networks & other Indigenous health research networks & groups.


i. Conference organizational policies, guidelines and processes; quality improvement/evaluation resource; annual conference prospectus and program; speaker bios; presentation and workshop materials; proceedings of accepted abstracts, oral presentations and poster presentations; publication of conference proceedings in peer reviewed journal.

ii. Quarterly newsletter disseminated through membership list serve, key memos, website developed where information about the Network and its resources are shared.

iii. Brief event summary reports and presentation materials posted in Network website; Evaluation tool for measuring impact of initiative.

iv. Formal presentations web streamed, recorded and uploaded as videos on our website and YouTube.

v. A partnership model will be developed that outlines processes for engagement and building relationships; presentation materials; reports, meeting minutes.


i. Increased knowledge of research innovations and evidence of mobilization of knowledge into health care and policy.          

ii. Increased awareness of PHC research opportunities, members accessing Network resources and engaging in research collaborations and relationships.

iii. Engagement and increased community awareness of Network research; shifts in policy, health service and health care approaches related to knowledge explored.

iv. Increased knowledge of PHC research methods and outcomes among researchers and knowledge users which includes Indigenous PHC leadership and providers; research collaborations and new projects inspired and informed by each speaker’s work.

v. National and international research relationships and collaborations.