Informal System Supporting Indigenous Health in Alberta


This is a vizualization of how nine organizations contribute to the Indiegnous health landscape in Alberta. The scope of this map is specific to nine organizations operating in Alberta that offer Indigenous health support outside the formalized primary health care system in Alberta.

* This Vizualization is not an exhaustive representation of the Indigenous health resources AVAILABLE in alberta.

Some of these organizations are also visualized in our formal system map, showing examples of how they engage with the formal health system.


What is a system map?

A system is a collection of interrelated parts (such as individuals, groups, or organizations), which may also be referred to as nodes. An example of a system that you may be familiar with is the healthcare system.

A system map is a visualization of the relationships and dynamics between parts within a system.

What is the value of a system map?

A system map can show the flow/direction of certain things (such as information, people, money, a natural resource, etc.) as they move through the system. They allow us to view a system holistically and consider this perspective to identify new insights about how and why certain outcomes within a system are produced, or where there may be opportunities for intervention.